Be a part of
Red Lodge Music Festival

For 54 years, our board of directors, faculty and staff have striven to provide excellence in music education and bring inspiring musical performances to the students of Montana and beyond.

We are committed to the nurturing of present and future generations of musicians, music educators and patrons of the musical arts. Our hope is that students will take from their time at the Red Lodge Music Festival a love and appreciation of classical and jazz music that will stay with them throughout their lives, enriching themselves and their communities.

As stewards of this program we work diligently to keep tuition costs within reach of all students. There are many ways in which you can help. Click on the following links to find out more!

Special Thanks to our 2022 & 2023 Donors

We recognize our donors in the final Sunday concert program at the festival and also here in our Annual Newsletter, which includes great articles from students, staff, faculty and board from last year’s festival. Click and enjoy!



Annual Funds




RLMF Endowment